Benchmark Violence, Harassment & Solicitation Policy


Benchmark Group of Companies is committed to providing a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. This Violence, Harassment, and Solicitation Policy aims to prevent incidents of violence, harassment, and unwanted solicitation, and to provide guidelines for reporting and addressing such behaviors.


This policy applies to all employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract workers, as well as visitors, clients, customers, vendors, and any other individuals interacting with [Company Name] employees or premises.


1. Zero Tolerance for Violence:

a. Benchmark Group of Companies maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards violence in the workplace. Any act or threat of physical violence, including but not limited to assault, intimidation, or destruction of property, is strictly prohibited.

b. Employees are encouraged to report any incidents of violence, threats, or perceived danger to their supervisor, HR department, or appropriate authorities immediately.

2. Harassment-Free Workplace:

a. Benchmark Group of Companies is committed to providing a workplace free from all forms of harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, and verbal abuse.

b. Harassment based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic is prohibited.

c. Employees who experience or witness harassment are encouraged to report it promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated complaint channel.

3. Solicitation Policy:

a. Solicitation of any kind, including but not limited to selling goods, distributing literature, or promoting personal business interests, is prohibited on company premises during work hours without prior authorization from management.

b. Employees should refrain from engaging in personal solicitation that disrupts work or creates discomfort for other employees.

4. Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation:

a. All reports of violence, harassment, or solicitation will be investigated promptly and confidentially. Benchmark Group of Companies will take appropriate action to address and prevent recurrence of such behavior.

b. Benchmark Group of Companies prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports an incident of violence, harassment, or solicitation in good faith or participates in an investigation related to such incidents.

5. Disciplinary Action:

a. Violation of this Violence, Harassment, and Solicitation Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, depending on the severity and circumstances of the misconduct.

b.Benchmark Group of Companies reserves the right to take legal action against individuals who engage in violent or harassing behavior on company premises or during work-related activities.